Tizen OS review (versi

Tizen OS di Samsung Z3 (Review versi detail) versi Setelah mencicipi berbagai mobile OS mulai dari Android, iOS, Windows P...

8 Des, 2015

Internet of Things – Era Elektronik Berkomunikasi

79percentclock.com  - Banyak perusahaan teknologi dan elektronik yang sedang bersaing satu sama lain, terutama di bidang smartphone, tetapi ...

15 Sep, 2015

Game of Thrones Map Collections

Some good maps i found during a few months, official and non-official. Copyright to their owner or HBO .

29 Apr, 2015

[Game] EA Fifa Card Guide

[Game] Fifa Ultimate Series (Card Guide) Genre:  Football - Sport Platform:  PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Android, iOS, Windows Phone,...

16 Mar, 2015